There are times in this life that will have you question your, and possibly others humanity. Especially if they try to drag you into a multi-level marketing scheme on social media that involves anything moist. No bueno.
But there are other times when you see a thing, a person, or a moment that relights the passion, and restores your faith in humanity. Today was one of those times for. Found out about some great kids doing some great things. The Central Warriors have something called the Warrior Wellness Wagon. Check it out.
That is a bunch of high school students finding time in their busy and bright lives to give back to the community. I had no idea it existed, but I do now, and I feel better as a person even talking about these kids. Here’s their mantra laid out.
Click to make it bigger. Mega kudos to these kids. And help them. Or help yourselves. They’re offering a ton of resources to those in need, simply because they can. Now if you’ll excuse, someone is cutting onions in here. I’m not crying! You are!