Look! Up in the sky! A plane…a superhero…no, it’s a…dead, frozen bird carcass! A dead, frozen, bird carcass that gives back, of course, to you.
Be sure you join us at the 24 Rd City Market on Friday, November 17th for the shenanigans. Aim for a turkey with your turkey, as strikes and spares could win you tons of prizes! Be sure to check our FB events page for fun stuff like photo frames to use when you’re there or getting ready to be there!
A few tips before you attend this circus of gelid Guineafowl. Numero uno is to show up early. Soon as that line forms, it grow. We recommend an hour before the start time of 11:30 in the morning. It’s 1st come, 1st serve as far getting to throw a bird into some pins for prizes. Secondly, no amount of previous bowling knowledge will help you here, unless of course you’ve carved three holes into a frozen turkey and went to league night at Freeway Bowl perhaps. That seems unsightly at best, unsanitary at worst. Eww. So unless you can put some torque on your turkey toss, best leave the dinner buckets, washouts, cheesy cakes, and chicken sandwiches at the alley (those are all bowling terms, and yes, I looked them up). Third, bring gloves. Especially if you’re at the back of the line.
A turkey that’s been tossed a few times has a certain appeal to it, and you discover 1st hand what that is if you’re the 15th person to give it a go! There you have it. Turkey bowling 101. Make sure you help us come celebrate the 17th at 11:30 am at 24 rd City Market. Here’s to another 21 years.